
Post 5: Career related website

 I don't have a favorite website related with my career, because in pedagogy we have a lot of websites we can use to make more funny and dynamic our classes. In this case, I'm gonna talk about Phet, a website where you can simulate physics experiments, learn about chemical, mathematics and biology, etc. Also you can use activities that the others teachers share with the community You can visited the website in the next link: https://phet.colorado.edu/es/simulations/filter?subjects=physics&type=html,prototype I share with you the section of physics, because is the section that I had more interaction and also I had study with this experiments for my classes at the university. The principal page look like this: In this figure we can see that the topics about physics are selected, but you can select whereever you want. Also, yo can see the sección "donar" because this website meet monetary resources for improve their material. So, if you need help with some topic in y...

Post 4

The most of the time I love any meal, but my favorite food is "Empanada de pino" in the oven. The "Empanada de pino" is a chilean typical food, preferably eats in September, but in my case, I always want eat empanadas de pino. My favorite recipe it's from my Grandma, she is the best cooker in the world, and I love their empanadas because the stuffing it's their specialty, it's composed by onion an meat in to small cubes, chicken, eggs in a halfway, black olives and varied herbs and spices. Many people like to add raisins but in my case, I don't like them. I forget mentioned that my mom make the best empanadas dough. So, if yo want make empanadas, do you have to know that yo can make them fries or in the oven. I'm a lucky girl, because in a few times at the year, my grandma and my mom makes empanadas de pino for me!! so, I can eat when I want. Unfortunately, the Empanadas aren't considerate how a healthy food, in fact the portion by person is ...

Post 3

 My favorite piece of technology it's the cell phone, I think this is the most useful technological equipment has been created. Personally I got my first cell phone when I was in seventh grade I think, in that time the use of cell phone isn't so popular how it is today. Currently this piece of technology it's elemental for communicate with your friends, family and know about what happen in the world. I use my cell phone every day, I use principally to see social networks and communicate with my family and friends, know about my schedule at the university, listening music, and different things like see the weather when I wake up. In this times the cell phone it is a piece of technology that you use like a computer, a tablet, a book, a camera, in the other things. In my imagination a life without cell phone it is a life where the communicate would been so slowly , like we had living in the ancient times, where we wrote us letters and we would read a days after. In conclusion ...

Unit: Important days and dates

 My favorite celebration of the year is Crhistmas. This celebration as happens every year on December 25th around the world, obviously, in every continet the climate it's different. For example, in my case, Crhistmas is celebrated at hight temperatures because in December it's summer in south America. In this date it's commun that the families meet at the night on  December 24th for spending happy moments.The tradition includes gives presents for your love ones and ornament your home.  For me, it's a moment where I can spending with all my familie, and I can dress to my dog like a pixie or a Santa's little helper. Of course, I love it but he hated. 

Post 2: Why did I choose my career?

 When I was a child, I have so many ideas how I would like to be. I remember that I was to be a Vet, Architect, among others. Finally I decided to apply for engineering and pedagogy, the option of be a engineering it was more of ambition instead of vocation, so, I ended up studying pedagogy in Mathematics and Physics where I entered in 2020, just in pandemic times :(.  In the two first years I had to have online classes, where actually I didn't learn so much, and that had consequences in the return to presence. One of this consequences was that I don´t know so much about Calculus, the base of the contents in my career technically, so that made things difficult to recently and I'm sure it will for future me.   Now I actually like my career with a little detail, I would like to be a University teacher more than a School teacher, but that's in the hands of my future self.  

Post 1

 Hi, I'm Catalina and I'm 22 years old. Currently I live with my mom and my brother in our home, based in Estación Central, Santiago. I had to move with my mom when I have 16, in that time, my brother was studding at the university and I personally had to transfer at new school. Then the pandemic came and I adopted my puppy, Aukán, who is my best friend for ever. He's help me in dark times and he loves me unconditional, that is mutual. I don't have some hobbie in particular but I like listening music, specifically Dua Lipa, Kali Uchis and Selena Gomez who are my favorites artists, but my playlist varies depending on my mood, the day or the activity; for example, when I've a good mood I prefer listening to chilean urban music. Currently I'm doing my fourth academic year, I'm studying pedagogy in mathematics and physics and I hope it goes well and I finish my university career the next year.

Act 1: Where I come from?

I was born in the region of Ñuble, specifically in the capital of that region, Chillán. I lived in that city near of sixteen years and then I had to move to Estación Central, what is a commune of Santiago in the region of metropolitan. In the future I haven´t  a elaboration plan about exacting place where I´m going to live, but also I don´t exclude any possibility to move an other region, city or country.