Post 5: Career related website
I don't have a favorite website related with my career, because in pedagogy we have a lot of websites we can use to make more funny and dynamic our classes. In this case, I'm gonna talk about Phet, a website where you can simulate physics experiments, learn about chemical, mathematics and biology, etc. Also you can use activities that the others teachers share with the community
You can visited the website in the next link:,prototype
I share with you the section of physics, because is the section that I had more interaction and also I had study with this experiments for my classes at the university. The principal page look like this:
In this figure we can see that the topics about physics are selected, but you can select whereever you want. Also, yo can see the sección "donar" because this website meet monetary resources for improve their material.
So, if you need help with some topic in your scientific career, I hope you can prove this website, because it was great help for me
Phet sounds like a very entertaining website :)