Post 3

 My favorite piece of technology it's the cell phone, I think this is the most useful technological equipment has been created. Personally I got my first cell phone when I was in seventh grade I think, in that time the use of cell phone isn't so popular how it is today. Currently this piece of technology it's elemental for communicate with your friends, family and know about what happen in the world.

I use my cell phone every day, I use principally to see social networks and communicate with my family and friends, know about my schedule at the university, listening music, and different things like see the weather when I wake up. In this times the cell phone it is a piece of technology that you use like a computer, a tablet, a book, a camera, in the other things.

In my imagination a life without cell phone it is a life where the communicate would been so slowly , like we had living in the ancient times, where we wrote us letters and we would read a days after. In conclusion I'm grateful to be a part of generation that can use the cell phone everyday. 


  1. I agree with you, it is the most useful equipment has been created. I thing that the smartphone are so essential for the life, all we use everyday, all the time!

  2. You are right!! Without the cell phone, life would be very different. I use it every day too!

  3. I tottaly agree, the communication will be so difficult without a phone. Even I was able to meet so many friends thanks to the social media on my phone

  4. I understand you, I can´t live without my cell phone, I use it for everything at all times


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